Dynamic Hooking Revelaed

When it comes to hide their Identity, hooking probably the popular way adopted by rootkits to   camouflage them on the system. By adopting these techniques rootkits hide a process, hide a network port, and redirect file writes and many more.
More specifically Hooking is the process of intercepting a program’s execution at a specific point in order to take another action. This may be simply to trace execution at interesting points, or to redirect and modify execution. At the point at which you wish to intercept, you place your hook.

Here our focus will be on DLL Injections(User Mode) because these assist hooking activities to inject and execute malicious code.

As we know in Windows (and most modern operating systems), there is a distinction between code that is running in "user mode", and code that is running in "kernel mode",so on this line Hooking process is divided into two categories

                                                            Hooking techniques

                                                User Mode                  Kernel Mode

DLL Injections

DLL injection is the process of inserting code into a running process. The code we usually insert is in the form of a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) file, since DLLs are meant to be loaded as needed at run time. However this doesn't mean we cannot inject assembly in any other form
At the same time it is important to notice that you'll need to have an appropriate level of privileges on the system to start playing with other program's memory.

Windows API offers a number of functions that allow us to attach and manipulate into other programs for debugging purposes. We'll use following methods to perform our DLL Injection.



In order to inject a DLL into processes that link with USER32.DLL, you simply can add the DLL name to the value of the following registry key:

The AppInit_DLLs infrastructure provides an easy way to hook system APIs by allowing custom DLLs to be loaded into the address space of every interactive application.
The above registry key has an entry for a set of DLLs which are loaded in the process memory when the process loads User32.dll. Many malwares try to add their malicious DLLs in the list by modifying the registry key. As almost every user-mode interactive process imports User32.dll, it definitely has a wider existence. Also, the value of the key LOADAPPINIT_DLL should be 1 to allow User32.dll to globally enable the APPINIT_DLL key.
From Windows 7 onwards, a new code-signing requirement is enforced. Developers must code-sign their DLLs if it has to be included in the list so that users can trust the application. To further add protection, Windows 8 has adopted secure boot mechanism. If the OS is secure boot enabled, APPInit_DLLs mechanism is disabled as part of a no-compromise approach. According to Microsoft, the AppInit_DLLs mechanism is not a recommended approach for legitimate applications because it can lead to system deadlocks and performance problems.

b) SetWindowsHookEx

It is popular technique for injecting DLL into a targeted process relies on provided by Windows Hooks. As mentioned in MSDN a hook is a trap in the system message-handling mechanism. An application can install a custom filter function to monitor the message traffic in the system and process certain types of messages before they reach the target window procedure.
A hook is normally implemented in a DLL in order to meet the basic requirement for system-wide hooks. The basic concept of that sort of hooks is that the hook callback procedure is executed in the address spaces of each hooked up process in the system. To install a hook you call SetWindowsHookEx() with the appropriate parameters. Once the application installs a system-wide hook, the operating system maps the DLL into the address space in each of its client processes. Therefore global variables within the DLL will be "per-process" and cannot be shared among the processes that have loaded the hook DLL. All variables that contain shared data must be placed in a shared data section. The diagram bellow shows an example of a hook registered by Hook Server and injected into the address spaces named "Application one" and "Application two".


c) CreateRemoteThread

The CreateRemoteThread function creates a thread in the virtual address space of an arbitrary process. It can be used to inject a custom DLL in the process memory of a remote process.
Following steps are followed in this approach:
1. Call OpenProcess function to get a handle of the target process. In parameters to the function, specify all process access permissions so that the local process is privileged enough to perform write operations later. If we fail to open process with the specified permissions, then there is no point of proceeding further because it will fail.
2. Get the address of Kernel32.LoadLibraryA method using GetProcAddress. Why we need this address you would realise later in step 5.
3. Allocate some memory inside target process’s address space using VirtualAllocEx. The memory size should be enough to store the full path string of the DLL to be injected.
4. Write argument to LoadLibrary to the process’s newly allocated memory using WriteProcessMemory function. In arguments we pass the full path string of DLL. The string has to be written in the target process memory because it can’t access a string in memory of some different process using a pointer.
5. Finally call CreateRemoteThread function with address of LoadLibrary function and the DLL string. This will result in a call to LoadLibrary method in the target process and hence load our DLL successfully. An interesting fact which can be observed here is that this method luckily works because LoadLibrary needs only one argument, and only those methods which have one argument can be called through CreateRemoteThread.

Windows 7 onwards Session Separation technique is being used to limit CreateRemoteThread hooking method. It ensures that core system processes including services always run in session 0 while all user process’s run in different sessions. However, NtCreateThreadEx API has come to rescue as it allows any process to inject DLL into any other process irrespective of session in which it is running as long as it has sufficient privileges..

IAT Hooking

Import Address Table (IAT) is an array of links representing the various DLLs imported by the PE loader during process initiation. IAT hooking is a technique of modifying the address of a particular DLL in the IAT with address of hook function. Before performing IAT hooking we must make sure that we are able to put the hook function in the user’s address space through any of the DLL injection methods.  IAT hooking will not be useful to us if the target program performs run-tie dynamic linking through LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress APIs to get the real address of each DLL functions. To get around this, hooking the GetProcAddress function would be the only solution but it will be a much tougher job.

Inline Hooking

Inline Hooking is mostly seen in userland process than kernel mode processes. Typically, an inline function hook is implemented by overwriting the beginning of target function with an unconditional jump to a Detour function. Detour function calls a Trampoline function, which contains the overwritten bytes of the original target function, and then calls the target function. The target function returns to the detour function which finally gives control back to the source function. This whole process would appear more clear from the diagram below.
Inline hooking is easy in XP because any function prologue in XP is 5 bytes, and jump instruction also requires 5 bytes (1 byte for JMP’s opcode and 4 bytes for address.)
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